Visi & Misi

Referring to the vision of Yogyakarta State University quoted on UNY's official website, "To become a world-class educational university that is superior, creative, and innovative sustainable." The Vision and Mission of the Faculty of Language and Arts UNY are as follows: 


Become a faculty that excels in the science and education of language, literature, and art in Asia that is academic, humanist, innovative, and professional 2025 based on piety, autonomy, and intellectuality.


  1. Organizing education in science and education of language, literature, and art based on research to prepare high-quality graduates at the Asian level.
  2. Organizing research to discover, develop, and disseminate knowledge in the fields of education and non-education in language, literature, and arts that are valuable and relevant to the needs of society.
  3. Organizing research-based community service activities in language, literature, arts, science, and education to encourage the development of human, community, and natural potential to realize community welfare.
  4. Organizing faculty governance that is accountable, transparent, fair, innovative, and synergistic to support the implementation of the Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi (The Three Pillars of Higher Education) and institutional performance based on information and communication technology.
  5. Coordinating with education and non-education institutions in the fields of science and education of language, literature, and art, both national and international, to improve the quality of Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi.